Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Days 4-5

Day 4 - July 9

Today was the day of our mini research project! The end goal of the camp was to have the students design a final research project all on their own (coming up with the question, designing methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and even writing a paper). For this project, I did the first to steps for them. They had two questions they were supposed to investigate: (1) Is there a relationship between the length and density of thorns and of leaves? (2) How effective are thorns at preventing herbivory?

The first question was a fairly simple one to design an effective methodology for. Measure and count the leaves, measure and count the thorns... For the second question I used a scientifically approved methodology - have students bite off leaves and see the biomass they can "eat" in 1 minute from trees with various thorn densities.

Video credit: Jordan-Laine Calder

The experiment was a success and although we didn't get any significant results really, we had a quick lesson on analyzing data with statistics and the kids all seemed to really enjoy seeing their own hands-on work up on the screen. That's the beauty of hands-on science. Only ever reading about other people doing science makes it seem like this far-off unreachable thing, only performed by "scientists" with PhDs in their fancy labs. We need to teach kids that science can be (and is) performed by anyone who has an interest. Anyone who wants to answer a question! That they can answer that question and teach themselves instead of waiting for someone else to teach them. Jordan shared this great Ted Talk with me: Ted Talk

If you like getting kids into science, you should definitely watch it.

Day 5 - July 10

WE ARE OFF TO KRUGER WHOOHOOO!!! The kids were definitely ready at this point to get into the park. Hearing and learning about the ecosystem and all the animals in it was not enough. Time to see it with our own eyes, experience it hands on (are you sensing a theme yet?). We entered the park through Orpen Gate (up north) and drove down to Skukuza through the park. This turns a 2-hour boring trip  (if you drive on highways outside the park) into a 6-hour game drive! The kids got to ride with Philly, who is just the man when it comes to knowledge of Kruger's plants and animals. Driving behind the GDV (game drive vehicle), I honestly got a bit jealous, remembering my first game drive in the park and how amazing it was to see every new thing! Luckily we still got to take advantage of Philly's excellent eyesight by driving behind their car and stopping as well whenever they saw anything. These kids were incredibly lucky... they saw the big five (elephant, rhino, buffalo, leopard, and lion) PLUS Honey Badgers. Jeez louise, we could have just sent them home then and they probably would have been happy. 

The lesson to take away from this day was that even though we didn't really accomplish anything (other than traveling from one place to the next), the kids probably learned more from just watching animals and getting excited about nature than from any of the lectures I had given them about ecology and biodiversity. Again, experience is the best teacher.

Photo Credit: Thato Brilliant Mogoane

Monday, July 18, 2016

Camp Itinerary (Days 1-3)

The camp was a success! Students are sadly gone, but overall it went incredibly smoothly. I had high hopes of writing while the camp was going on, but those expectations quickly dissipated as the first few days of camp went by with absolutely no free time. Who would have thunk? Running a camp is very time consuming! Jordan, a PhD student from Cape Town came up to Skukuza the day before we went to pick up students and boy was it wonderful to have someone to bounce ideas off of. I don't think I could have done this without her (in fact I'm sure of it).

Anyway, another reason I've been putting this off is that it is just so difficult to write about something that means so much to you. I worry that I won't explain everything perfectly... how could I? It seems too big to fit onto paper (even onto the internet), but I've committed to trying to write about it here. So that's what I'm going to do. I'll just run you through a day by day account of what this whole thing was about and do my best to give you insight into what it meant to me and to the kids. Here we go!

Day 1 - July 6

This first morning of course was a hectic mess of final logistics, realizing we forgot things, and packing up equipment. We were heading up to Acornhoek, South Africa, an approximately 2 hour drive from Skukuza (if you go out of the park, that is). After finally packing everything up and doing a final shopping trip in Hazyview, we were on our way. Me in my tiny car and Jordan driving the giant game drive vehicle with a trailer attached (thank goodness I didn't have the permit needed to drive that guy...). First off, driving in South Africa is an adventure all in itself. Sure, I'd driven around Kruger and into Hazyview (the first town outside the gate), but a 2 hour drive on South African highways? That was the first of many new experiences I would get in these next 10 days.

We finally got to the school, picked up the kids, and shuttled the 10 students and 2 teachers joining us to Wits Rural, an education facility associated with the University of the Witwatersrand (yeah, Wits is way easier to say). Yay! We were on our way! We sorted out accommodation, moved in and sat down for lunch. As I watched the students all get food, sit down and start talking and laughing I breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was happening. Everything was coming together. All I needed to do now was take it day by day. I led a productive discussion on leadership which set the mood of the week well and did a lecture introducing concepts of ecology and biodiversity. Then, after putting on BBC: Africa Savannas, I passed out completely exhausted... realizing it was going to be a long, but rewarding 10 days.

Day 2 - July 7

I wake up refreshed! As soon as I woke up I took a moment to write in my journal:

"We are starting day #2 of this crazy journey. A lot of planning, stressing, fundraising, and now it's actually happening. It feels really good and it's going really well so far. It is indescribable how good it feels to have made something. Pretty much from scratch. And the students seem like they are liking it so far. I want to give them an amazing experience."

That day we had a lot of fun planned. We started with a nature walk, making observations. I can't believe how into scat all of the students were. Then I had them sit and do a bit of nature journaling (my personal favorite activity). I was a bit worried that high school students wouldn't buy into the cheesiness of writing about your feelings in nature, but they all got so into it! And they were so much better at sitting still than the 5th graders I usually do these activities with.

After the nature journaling I thought it would be good to continue the introspective and discussion-based work we were doing. So we scrapped the lecture we were going to have and sat in a circle to talk about following dreams and overcoming obstacles. The students got really into sharing stories and I think it was really powerful for them.

For the entire afternoon we had scheduled a boat tour down the Blyde River Canyon, an absolutely beautiful place. The weather cleared and it turned sunny right as we were about to start our boat trip. It was wonderful to see the students giddy with excitement over everything they saw. There's a drought right now in this area of South Africa and I don't think a lot of these kids had seen this much water in a long time. Our guide was also a really cool guy and I was able to learn a lot from him so I'm sure the students did as well. Thanks Blyde River Adventures!!!


Day 3 - July 8

It feels like we've already packed in so much! I'm starting to feel the exhaustion kick in already by day 3, which scares me a little, but it's also so fun! We start the day off with a talk on current environmental issues, which gets the students talking more than in previous lectures. Our goal was to unpack all the environmental issues that they know about, but don't really understand. For example, they tend to mention "global warming" all the time whenever anything related to the environment is brought up, but we found out that almost none of the students really understood that term or what caused it. After the lecture we had a case study and role play debate about water use controversies in South Africa, specifically around the Sand River which flows through rural communities and then into Kruger National Park. Although the students didn't come up with the most logical arguments, I think that just the practice of standing up and presenting a viewpoint, especially one you might not agree with, is an extremely important skill.

In the afternoon we talked about the intersection of science and art, specifically how creativity is important to science, especially when you need to come up with creative solutions to problems. After a bit of a talk on why nurturing your creative side is important, we had art time! I ran two stations - one on nature drawing and watercoloring and one on Andy Goldsworthy land art practices. Although the students were hesitant at first, they eventually got really into the art time, which was really nice to see.

Days 1-3 were a complete success! At the end of day 3 I'm feeling super positive, but also ready for sleep. Super ready for sleep. 

Stay tuned for more entries...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Game Drives and Big Fives

We pick up the students tomorrow! Jordan, a PhD student at UCT will be joining me in Skukuza tonight and together we will head up toward Acornhoek to pick up the students and bring them to our first stop: Wits Rural Facilities. Wow, planning has been hectic. I never thought about how many little details need to come together for a program to run smoothly. Not only that, but a new program, without any history to look back on or instructions to follow. My "To Do" list (now almost entirely crossed off... whoo!) was three pages long. One of the only things not crossed off yet was "write blog post." So unfortunately a lot of my days have been spent in a small trailer/office space with slow internet and no windows, looking at a laptop.

I've had more than one stress breakdown, but I keep reminding myself that once we have the students with us and begin the program, I'll be too busy to be stressed. I'm sure it's going to go by way to fast and I'll be sad when it's over. I'm definitely going to write in a suggestion for next year to have more than one single person planning the project because it has been overwhelming. Even though this place is familiar, I'm seeing it from a different side and it's hard to plan logistics in a place and with people that you are unfamiliar working in this capacity with. I don't know how everything works and it's been an extremely steep learning curve.

It hasn't been ONLY work though... I've definitely taken some days to enjoy my time in another country. One day a couple weeks ago, a few researchers and I decided to go on an all day game drive. Being out there for a long time isn't always a guarantee that you will see a lot, but it certainly does help. We ended up seeing the "Big 5" in one day: elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, and buffalo. The best part was that we almost ended up seeing all of the big five in baby form! Baby rhinos and elephants are unbelievably cute.

Okay, so baboons aren't part of the Big 5... but they are still undeniably adorable. In a sort of creepy, Benjamin Button type of a way.

Nothing is cuter than an elephant pretending to be a submarine and having a blast while doing it!

So I'm off tomorrow! Into the unknown! Hopefully I'm ready and hopefully I've done all the planning that needs to be done, but even if something does go wrong, I know it will just help us learn for the future.